5. The measurement method where the engine rotates with a constant speed designates a method where, during measurement, the rotational speed of the engine is maintained during at least 2 seconds to the value determined in the second and third paragraphs.Subject to the third paragraph, the rotational speed of a motorcycle is, according to the displacement:
Values expressed in revolutions per
minute (RPM) according to the number
of cylinders of the engine
1, 2 or 6 cylinders 2,500 (+ - 250)
3 or 4 cylinders 5,000 (+ - 250)
In respect of a motorcycle with an automatic transmission having no neutral position and a moped, the rotational speed of the engine is, according to the class of road vehicle:
Values expressed in revolutions per
minute (RPM) according to the class
of road vehicle
motorcycle 4,500 (+ - 250)
moped 5,000 (+ - 250)